Repo url of 346 libs (total: 1224 libs) need to be updated if been moved.
Need to be confirmed.
- [x] 6to5/6to5
- [x] Colourity/Fort.js
- [ ] andyet/ICanHaz.js
- [x] appendto/amplify
- [x] jmdobry/ang…
$ git clone git@github.com:ixmaps/ixnode.git
Cloning into 'ixnode'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '----??---' to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 653, …
I've installed it via **Atom** user interface:
- installation completed without error reporting
- **OmniSharp** menu item is added to both _Packages_ and _context_ menus
Anyway it seems inactive. For…
There's a lot of stuff in here. Like, a lot. As a result, I'd suggest removing the word "minimal" from the project description. It's a bit misleading honestly. Especially for those just trying to get …
ghost updated
9 years ago
Hello, i reintalled windows and now have issues installing yeoman, cannont figure out how to solve this, looks like has smth to do with MVS - i installed two different versions already...
After update babel, systems and jspm my build output shows:
[BABEL] file:app/config.js: Deprecated option metadataUsedHelpers: Not required anymore as this is enabled by default
[BABEL] file:app/…
I just open this discuss3 becose the old topic is full and slow for browser ..
## Note for twttier users: Files carcabot/iCloud-Bypass not for me.. and i made my tools without this files..
## Vi…
TTMTT updated
9 years ago