The library looks fantastic and I would like to use it.
I added the following to the `build.gradle`
`implementation 'com.github.skydoves:powermenu:2.0.3`
on `onCreate` I have the following code…
The menu is attached to the "Productive" TextView, it looks fine on…
I have a view that has width of match_parent it's also my view anchor, I want toshow my pop-up from this view's center but it either show up from left or right
How can I clear the saved preference as I need to clear it after log out and need to set default colour for new user.
I can't change position of custom selector. It is always in center of view.
Also, setSelectorDrawable() not working..
Anyone know what's the problem?
When I am selecting a drawable for palette from java code and returning the int color, the color is different from what it actually should be. Please help
Here is the code for color picker view xml …
I want to set the app:src="@drawable/image" via java code. Please help me regarding this.