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Система: Mac OS X.
После клонирования проекта из репозитория и попытки установить, появляется ошибка следующего содер…
I'm trying to make a `watch` or `build` feature using spritesmith. My `gulp watch` works fine updating my sprite whenever I add/remove/change some *.png in my icon directory.
However, my `gulp build`…
Most notably any dragon combined with many of the staves, but it happens to a lesser extent with many combinations, because avatars are right-handed, and mount heads are to the right. Possible solutio…
My generate groups aren't matching. I think it might be due to file names but this shouldn't happen.
When I use multiple globbing, like `sprites/{,**/}*.png`, gulp.spritesmith duplicates all source images inside output sprite. I solved this problem by using an array:
src: [
Hello, I am using this project with spritesmith and it has been great so far. I have the following requirement and I hope we could incorporate this into your project. I need to be able to register han…
I don't know enough about the build chain to fix myself (if I have time I'll figure it out).
npm install -g gulp
npm install gulp-sass
npm install node-sass
Otherwise you get:
Gulp not found
And then…
The plugin doesn't seem to be supporting JPEGs, despite Spritesmith's (well, the default engine pixelsmith) support.
Windows 7 / Node 0.12.4 / Grunt-CLI 0.1.13
Grunt task:
We have 35+ small images. We should be using a sprite to redunce the number of server calls.
We could use something like https://github.com/Ensighten/grunt-spritesmith and replace the images to css-ba…