First of all thank you very much for your great project, it is really useful and really fun to play with :)
I have an issue with the following module - LoRa ESP32 v2 0.96" Blue OLED Displ…
SX1278 debug时候,发现SPI数据解码异常,用别的逻辑分析仪测试ok 文件如下:
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eREvDqee44flKNd45w6fYg 提取码: ptg8
Now, new background mode not work for me, endless scanning. Switching wifi mode to "3" also not work. I have 16 wifi networks in range (urban area), maybe this matter. Code after if (index >= 0) { // …
I connected the module to the Arduino board. also i want to connect a graphic display via spi interface. Will lora affect the display information on the SPI display? I use it as a receiver and it i…
Can you add rtty decoding on groundstation with sx1276?
Othewise this boards Is useless.
There's now a HAL published on crates.io: [`embedded-hal`][] ([Introduction blog post][brave-new-io]). :tada:
[`embedded-hal`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-hal/0.1.0/embedded_hal/
[brave-new-io]: htt…
I am wondering if the calculation of the SNR is correct. The datasheet (sx1278) says the following:
> Estimation of SNR on last packet received.In two’s compliment format multiplied by 4
SNR dB =…
Hi Bodmer,
Thanks again for the great work you do !!
My basic setup:
LoRa module RFM95W
TFT_eSPI GPIO's used:
#define TFT_CLK 5
#define TFT_MISO 19 // Touch T…
I have [this](https://www.banggood.com/2_8-Inch-ILI9341-240x320-SPI-TFT-LCD-Display-Touch-Panel-SPI-Serial-Port-Module-p-1206782.html?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN) ILI9341 Display from Banggo…
### Hardware:
Board: ESP LoRa32 TTGO 3pcs
Core Installation/update date: 2/JAN/2019
IDE name: Arduino IDE with espressif
Flash Frequency: ?40Mhz?
PSRAM enabled: …