Hi everyone,
first things first: Thanks for this awesome project. I'm looking forward to read my completely analog power meter with this software.
However, I can't quite get it to work. I've bee…
Hi again zibous ,
Remember me ? (Some time ago I had troubles collecting data from my multical 21's wireless mbus)
Fredrik (wmbusmeters creator) never found out why I couldn't get the data, so I …
Voordat ik Homey ging gebruiken had ik jarenlang een Homewizard met Energylink. Binnen de Homewizard app op een telefoon of via de web app pagina kan ik de S2 waarden bekijken maar binnen de…
I've specified my own time server in configuration however the AI-on-the-edge-device still calls pool.ntp.org.
TimeZone = CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3
Hi, I have the issue that my esp32 cam has correct raw data for my gasmeter but the previous value is still not beeing updated so I get the error: Rate too high - Read: 4951947 - Pre: 4951.
Am I do…
Would it be possible to connect an temperature sensor to the ESP32-Cam?
If yes could you implement this in your codebase?
I would need an temperature sensor like an DS18B20 in the room, so why not…
Due to physical contraints and water meter design, I am unable to obtain a higher contrast image of a watermeter with digits only display.
I've installed ESP32 for the watermeter this week.
Lighting is done via WS2812b and is working well.
First tests seemed promising, but for about a day it keeps recognising the "9" as a "0".
The r…
Hi Jomjol,
I use version 9.1.1 of the adapter, but I have already tested 9.2.0, behave the same way.
The esp reboots every 5 minutes.
I have tried the SD card as well as three different esp and…
is there a possibility to always print out the last valid value (e.g. 615) instead of given a raw output of unambigoius digits (e.g. 61N)?
Here my read out log: (no error means value was pro…