Updated GITHUB_TOKEN access to read/write.
Hi, thank you so much for providing these wonderful tutorials.
Could you kindly also provide tutorials for 14.B and 14.C? Thank you so much!
### [図 14.7](https://railstutorial.jp/chapters/following_users?version=7.0#fig-user_has_many_following)のid=1のユーザーに対してuser.following.map(&:id)を実行すると、結果はどのようになるでしょうか? 想像してみてください。(ヒント: [4.3.2](https://ra…
As a restaurant or cafe owner I want to accept and complete online orders received through ServeHarmony so that my consumers can easily and quickly take advantage of what I have to offer.
I'm getting a lot of crashes on iOS 14 - in particular clicking on the search field instantly crashes it every time.
## Summary:
We need a way to isolate user data on a large scale while still being able to use class inheritance and polymorphism. Think multi-tenancy.
A `namespace` is the current way to describe t…
Try to create a business model