Hey there,
My AA has been stable for quite some time until I tried installing this app. I'm sure it's an error I made on my side but since I am a bit green, I am looking for some assistance.
### Bug Description
I guess some style unification required for 'Fleet Name' field among AA applications.
### Steps to Reproduce
***** AA SRP *****
srp_name = forms.CharField(
When a user requests to join a group send a notification to the Web Hook associated with that Group if there is one.
Pull Loyalty/get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points data and present it to users
forgot to log this as feature request when i asked
### Context
Automatic FAT Tracking through ESI and manual tracking through link creation
### Describe the feature you have in mind
Acceptance Criteria:
It would be good to have the op…
Pretty Straight forward issue will try and PR later today if i can but for now reporting the issue on a Fresh Install of AA with Corp-tools and onvoices already installed.
(auth) allianceserve…
rss is not working for me. not gettings rss feeds into channels. as we discussed this on discord a reminder for you for extra logging to see if we can find something. you mentioned 2 things
# Bug
SSO Tokens are not being revoked when a character is sold.
As this impacted our Third Party Application an EBR was logged and emails sent to security@ccpgames.com, full security disclosure h…
steal my model population from aa-relays to actually populate the models we made
In AA 2.9.3, join/leave request notifications have been implemented. These don't work with secure groups. Would be nice to have it fixed.