Many companies use the Altium to design the PCB, so I guess that format is needed. Would digikey supply that ?
I tried to export .brd files with altium (File->Export->IDF board) and tried different versions (Version 3.0 & Version 2.0) different formats (.brd+.pro & .brd+.lib) and with and without the use of Un…
# Librerías
[Altium Wiki Working with Database Libraries](https://www.altium.com/documentation/19.1/display/ADES/((Working+with+Database+Libraries))_AD)
## Manejo de Librarias con Bases de Datos
hi all, I am a new memmber of Altium. I want to create one script by VB can
load one text file. How I can do it? Can you help me
Thank you
Original issue reported on code.google.com …
Schematic and PCB using Eagle. Thinking about using an AT tiny 85 instead of the Uno if thats possible, just couldn't find it in either the Altium or Eagle Libraries (still learning how to us th…
Hi there,
I'm building A320 cockpit and found some JSON files right here. I tried to open it with several programs, but unsuccessful.
How can I see, that these files are ok to purchase PCBs online?
This is the mosfet switching board 😎
- [ ] Define Highlevel reqs
- [ ] Lowlevel design
Draw a circuit for the fiber tower's electronics.
It can be done with Fritzing, TinkerCAD or Altium.
Installing and running (instructions compiled from various online sources):
nix-shell -p wine winetricks
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/sb/.wine-circuitmaker winetricks vd=1920x1080 -q gd…
Hi @thesourcerer8 this is a great tool! I am trying to convert a complex Altium project and the output is nearly identical! This is a ten-layer board with ~300 components, so very impressive :)