It seems that celery-java do not support the redis broker
this is my code:
` Celery client = Celery.builder()
Hey, I can not get the binary to work with ssl, tried without --use-default-ssl-context also
`# ./perf-test_linux_x86_64 --use-default-ssl-context -h 'amqps://user:pass@rabbit_host:5671/test_host?ss…
When i change 'network_protocol' => 'tls', in config rabbitmq in queue.php
'rabbitmq' => [
'driver' => 'rabbitmq',
'network_protocol' => 'tls',
# Context
- **OS and version used:** BuildRoot Linux 2022.02.7
- **Java runtime used:** openjdk version "1.8.0_352"
- **SDK version used:** iot-device-client 1.31.0, can reproduce with 2.1.3
Hi, could you explain what's the addressString parameter for creating an Address class? Any example would be appreciated.
## Feature
There is limited SSL/TLS support currently when connecting via RabbitMQ, see [Support amqps](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/issues/1827). However, there are two limitations to the …
I'm using ActiveMQ as a broker and trying to connect a rhea client to it. The configuration I'm using on the broker is the following:
When using Load balancer service I can connect to management UI from outside but when I want to connect to amqp it doesn't want to connect. gives the following error.
I am testing locally with https://customer.cloudamqp.com
and I wanted to configure in the
the uri of claudampq.com
I tried to implement `RabbitMQ` on `CoreWCF`, but got an error like below.
> System.InvalidOperationException: 'Contract requires Session, but Binding 'RabbitMqBinding' doesn't support it or isn't…