BaseRequest#tryDisplayDialog 方法对于许多手机并不友好。
private static Intent defaultApi(Context context) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS);
intent.setData(Uri.fromParts("package", context.getPacka…
我的K5手机,Api 22,request的权限是Camera.
我们调试发现,PermissionRequest实例化的一个LRequest,LRequest里面直接检测权限,主要用的是StrictChecker.发现这样一个现象,在程序运行第一次的时候,StrictChecker检测Camera Granted,第二次检测Camera Denied,何解,我现在把LRequest里面的CHE…
提了好久了, 始终不改, 只能忍痛放弃了
Activity ShareActivity has leaked ServiceConnection com.yanzhenjie.permission.bridge.RequestExecutor$1@f280b8d that was originally bound here
android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Activity ShareAc…
When the Users are connected into the Channel the one user from them is not able to share the Screen. When the Share Screen Button is clicked then nothing is happening. I am using the API Example to …
目前我知道用try catch可以粗暴的判断,但我不确定所有的权限请求被拒绝后都会抛异常。
The test for access in the `allows` method of the `Permission` class using the intersection of the required and provided needs in insufficient. The documentation says the needs in a permission "Repres…