After following the instructions provided in the readme file, I built the application for Android. When I ran it on my mobile device, the button functionality worked, but the camera did not open; inst…
Not sure if it's a bug or if I'm missing something.
I have a yaml configuration that contains
Essa tarefa se designou através de impedimento que a equipe de QA não conseguiu seguir com os testes. Não conseguimos criar usuário novo, nem logar com o usuário existente. Servidor backend está fora …
Hi Akbartus, I was excited when i discovered Simple-AR as it was easy to use and the fact that you didn't need to go through hoops to set up an image marker, also the image also showed in aframe inspe…
Might be useful to get a better signal - more research needed (code exists, feature is disabled).
If not useful, remove the code.
### Paklausėjas
- [Gitana Andrulytė](gitana.andrulyte@creditinfo.com), CreditInfo
### Paklausimas
Atvirų duomenų portale pateikta informacija apie juridinių asmenų sumokėtus mokesčius VMI h…
After downloading the ar_flutter_plugin library, several problems appeared. The first is ext.kotlin_version, which should be 1.5.20, and the second is minsdk=24. When you put minsdk 24, a problem appe…
1. https://github.com/artcom/react-three-arjs/ : AR.jsをReact-three-fiberで扱えるようにするもの、リリースされてから日が浅いのが欠点。おそらくマーカーを印刷して利用するタイプのAR
2. https://github.com/pmndrs/xr : ARやVRを扱えるようにす…
da mobile, per evitare di avere breadcrumb molto lunghi, vorremmo lasciare solo il link alla pagina precedente.
Nell'esempio sarebbe "cambio di residenza"
### Tab Riepilogo
- [x] eliminare linea grigia e includere il contenuto in card (tipo Informativa privacy per intenderci)
- [ ] correggere la gerarchia dei testi (h1, h2, h3..) tra titolo di pagina e…