Because of the rate limitation it might be nice to be able to queue a request, the request will sit in a queue and wait for its turn before being sent to the Blizzard API.
Some ideas on how this co…
The encrypted password is converted to data URL in `frontend/src/components/EncryptPassword/EncryptPassword.js`. This slows down the experience when download image button is clicked. This process of c…
Implementations implement the `buffer` setter of the `ConvolverNode` in two ways:
- either they prepare the impulse on the main thread, this pauses the main thread for a potentially long time, this…
Presently, ZIP files for download of surfaces or analyses are created on the fly in the Django view. I worry that this may lock up the web server. (Right now this does not seem to be a problem even fo…
Is there a way to fetch data asynchronously so that it can be fetched in WidgetKit?
Edit: I accidentally submitted a blank issue
Don't prevent user from interacting with the app while updating grades in the background.
Love the work but is it possible to make the script work asynchronously, like php's ftp_nb_get? This would be useful for creating output of each file being uploaded or downloaded, or link it to…
Currently some async logic is implemented e.g. processing Messages are mainly done async. Still, the code blocks executed asynchronously contains too much logic.
To better scale the Dispatchers sho…
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Is there any way to update the prompt asynchronously?