From **babel-plugin-styled-components@.>=2.0.0** onwards,
using the **css prop** with **babel macros** as described in the docs is no more working:
Hi, I have added the plugin to next.js project.
npm install -D babel-plugin-esx-ssr
and added the plugin to .babelrc:
"presets": [
I am upgrading from 2.8.2 to 3.3.1.
Stats when starting in dev mode:
client (webpack 5.74.0) compiled successfully in 46440 ms
client (webpack 5.74.0) compiled successfully in…
Is it possible to implement as babel macro? (https://github.com/kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros)
This way, it would work out-of-the-box with Expo, with no configuration necessary. This is ho…
If I start with this code
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
const foo = { bar: { baz: 'something' } };
assert('baz', foo.bar?.baz);
it gets transformed into
const foo = …
# 如何实现一个 TypeScript 的宏
## 想法
Babel 是一个优秀的玩具,我们可以在上面做很多有趣的事情,于是我们有了非常多的 Babel 的 plugin,后来大家黑魔法玩多了,就出现了小伙伴说,我不想配置那么麻烦,就有小伙伴开始写了一个 [babel-plugin-macros](https://gith…
* `babel-plugin-macros` version: 2.5.1
Relevant code or config
import * as foo from 'foo.macro'
What happened:
Compiler fails with the following message
I'm a [Lingui](https://lingui.js.org/) refugee (hi 👋🏻) looking for new home since they removed [tagged templates support](https://lingui.js.org/releases/migration-3.html#plugins-presets) and I'm looki…
ljani updated
3 years ago
This is a perfect use case for a babel-plugin-macros macro. Anyone interested in doing that?
Hi! This one is a big ask, but I want to know if it is in the works at all. Currently, this is what my webpack loaders setup looks like:
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(t…