Thanks for this very usful tool !
Would it be possible to export data in another format than excel (eg. bibtex, ris or other formats that are used in bibliography management tools) ?
I am using your code and it would be good to able to cite your repo!
Could you post how you'd like it to be cited?
Thanks for your great work!
Feature thoughts:
- search and import from web database -- see #22 for this.
- integrate with possibly a local (in SMC!) copy of MathSciNet. I need to ask the AMS how I could do this legally.
I was wondering, in regards to BibTex, what to do if we are citing a non-academic article in our proposals (example - a Pew article online)...
Many thanks,
WARN - Datamodel: Entry 'www-mongodbmanual' (fa18-523-60/paper/paper.bib): Missing mandatory field - one of 'date, year' must be defined
WARN - Datamodel: Entry 'www-upwork' (fa18-523-60/paper/paper.…
The citation of the DMR should include the DOI (if avaiable)
The client command don’t handle correctly bbl files.
Hi. This same issue was reported in 2021, I guess.
While trying to import notes from Zotero to Obsidian notes, Zotero immediately crashes, with the following message:
Error retrieving cite key
Make it possible for several tex files to share one bibtex file. Currently pybtex's 'to_file' is used which used 'w' mode to write the bibliography file and thus overrides the file every time. Hence, …
### Description
In the rendering of the document I was just reading (2410.22329v1), citations were not appropriately compiled, in particular displaying “\Cite[Theorem …] … “ throughout the document i…