API URL: https://biothings.ncats.io/text_mining_targeted_association
Parser GitHub URL: https://github.com/UCDenver-ccp/text_mining_targeted_association
Git branch/commit: Master 969da7c
No. Docume…
Pasted from 9/27 group meeting notes, with bold emphasis added for tasks:
> CX: SmartAPI yaml "tags"ˤ
> - What are they for?
> - BioThings-specific requirements?
> - Helpful to have one for "th…
Possible candidates include
jbrowse-plugin-arc-renderer (not listed yet)
jbrowse-plugin-biowasm (not listed yet)
API URL: https://biothings.ncats.io/multiomics_drug_approvals_kp
Github URL: https://github.com/multiomicsKP/drug_approvals_kp
Git branch/commit: https://github.com/multiomicsKP/drug_approvals_kp/co…
see this nice list:
related to #15, @dnahotline, @mbrush @stuppie @pnrobinson can you prioritize these and make a Dipper/Wikidata/BioTh…
Currently used in components.ts, it's causing the TRAPI app to behave slowly.
only 1559 / 2382 gene-records have the omim disease ID field gene2phenotype.disease.disease_mim: https://pending.biothings.io/ebigene2phenotype/query?q=_exists_:gene2phenotype.disease.disease_mim
We've noticed an issue, where BTE as Service Provider (queried by other ARAs through the team-specific endpoint) returns a status 500 response with `TypeError: item.upstream_resource_ids?.forEach is n…
Often, we use temporary overrides or other config adjustments to handle the staggered deployment of features (Dev -> CI -> Test -> Prod). We direct BTE to use updated/changed SmartAPI yamls.
Once …
This is not urgent.
For CTD API (just registered https://smart-api.info/registry?q=0212611d1c670f9107baf00b77f0889a), when I "try an example" query, I get `TypeError: NetworkError when attempting …