Map to curve be achieved for BLS12-377 G1 and so we should implement it as a test.
Have a simple test using one input values from: https://github.com/armfazh/h2c-rust-ref/blob/master/tests/test…
The https://docs.rs/bls12_381/0.7.0/bls12_381/struct.Gt.html has very little functionality exposed at the moment.
It implements the Group trait and a few helpers, however this is not enough for one o…
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* `crypto/elliptic` P-521 ([CL 315271](https://golang.org/cl/315271), [tweet](https://twitter.com/FiloSottile/status/1388374868131987459))
* Don't forge…
reported via email:
The first one is in the bibliography of ZCash
Hello, H2C team.
My name is Dimitri Koshelev. I am a post-doc in Paris in the field of elliptic cryptography.
Based on quite complicated interesting mathematics, I constructed new faster hash fu…
This is a tracking issue for additional elliptic curves we could potentially implement.
Note that we are presently focusing on short Weierstrass curves which can be implemented using the `primeorde…
Currently only ALT_BN128/BN128, MNT4-298/MNT6-298 and EDWARDS-80 elliptic curves are supported in libff. All of them have a lower security level than 128-bit. Is there any plans to support other curve…
[pairing-plus](https://crates.io/crates/pairing-plus) is the library that implements the bls12-381 curve as well as the hash-to-curve operations. It hasn't been updated in 3 years at this point, and w…
We don’t currently have any benchmarks for the compiler. It would be good to have some. We do want them to run on substantial programs, though, so ideally something that comes out of the plugin.
Windows 64-bit, no assembly
test_finite_fields_mulsquare xoshiro512** seed: 1667073731