Hi MiKatt, I am interested in a work around for using existing flowline data sets (e.g., the NHD). What would be a recommended work around to have openSTARS use these flow lines instead of generating …
Title 24 does not have a water main schedule for every possible weather file.
Currently there are 16 Title 24 water main temperature schedules (one for each
climate zone) and each is …
I cannot login to the admin section. The server PHP version is PHP 7.3 (ea-php73).
I upgraded to Podcast generator version 3.0 yesterday and it did not help. I have read through other issues listed…
## Needed before we can map SF and release to testing cohort:
- [x] iOS app release (will need to test this out and prob make a few tweaks)
- [x] S3 upload workflow, so that users can locate and a…
import nflgame.update_players
"C:\Program Files (x86)\python\python.exe" C:/Users/Ben/Dropbox/projects/nflscraping/success_rate.py
Loading games for REG 2016 w…
Got a single cassandra db running on another server. I'm inserting into it with a script that looks like:
var colAndValues, emitter, statement, v;
colAndValues = "(" + (this.fieldsWithValue.joi…
Your dataset was added to CoronaWhy (https://www.coronawhy.org/) Data Lake on Dataverse as a piece of common COVID-19 data frame http://datasets.coronawhy.org/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10…
is there a way to put PDFs on this site for people to download?
Stipulating 'fG = T' works for Wildlife Computers but not Lotek tags. Tested on multiple of each. Lotek failure example below:
> df