There's no point in this button since user can't go Back from the first step. Next button should be placed in the same place and remain untouched.
Add ability (eye icon) to view password in sign in/up to improve UX.
Step 4 doesn't correspond to the design
Android 12
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Go to Step 4
2. Select Phone number field
3. Click Next button
**Actual Result:**
3. …
Finilize please sign-up process
- [x] check and implement all TODO in sign-up process (password hash, ... etc)
- [x] check sign-up flow
As a result of the search returned the Talent’s cards, which contain Talant`s page opened info
open mobile app
sign in as an employer
OS - Andro…
**User story:**
As a user, I want to have a chat list, so that I am able to find the dialogue with potential employers.
**Acceptance criteria:**
- There should be the “Chats” name of the page in …