There is only [one test](https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/master/webtransport/server-certificate-hashes.https.any.js) in the WPT repository to cover the functionality of this feature, wh…
Hi @PatrickRitchie
I started testing the up to date master branch and realized that the QoS was still not getting set in the MqttRelay when sending messages
My mqtt relay config still looks lik…
Feature request
Include common TLS certificate vulnerabilities and mis-configurations...
Poor strength ciphers etc...
Wildcard certificates...
POODLE etc...
In line with the [12-factor methodology](https://12factor.net/), which emphasizes strict separation of config in modern apps, we may need to configure server depending on the environment (or [Spring p…
Add support for all configurations in [spec](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/protocol/exporter.md#opentelemetry-protocol-exporter)
- [ ] Endpoi…
echo '{"CN":"CA","key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | cfssl gencert -initca - | cfssljson -bare ca -
echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"876000h","usages":["signing","key enci…
#### Description
We have encountered this issue multiple times. Now we having this issue with latest upgrade of Xcode to 8.2 and we are having this issue on Travis.
1) I can only attach …
# Task 4: Jenkins Installation and Configuration
## Objective
In this task, you will install Jenkins CI server on your Kubernetes (K8s) cluster using Helm and configure it to be accessible via a…
It'd be good to have a VICI command, like `list-commands`, to list all the available VICI commands, and a `help` command to get help for each of those commands.
**What problem/inconvenience (if any) will this feature solve?**
As a adopter of Sunbird-RC, I need to understand how to consume certificate-pdf service
**Describe the feature clearly**