The example `.cflintrc` will not return you any errors even if you do have errors in your cfml as it has an empty structure in the `includes` key.
This example (cleaned so no more default errors a…
As an example of clean code : https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#elseexpression
It tries to stop a lot of `if`/`else` statements. Since they can be resolved by early returns from a function. I …
Are the Coldfusion plugin global settings from http://localhost:9000/settings?category=coldfusion used or do the values have to be set in the `sonar-project.properties` file?
Specifically, I am run…
Using CFLint-1.3.0
Given the following component named `test.cfc`:
* Test hint
component {
* Converts date to formatted string-representation of date
* @dateObj The …
This feature proposal refers to [the issue i submitted](https://github.com/KamasamaK/vscode-cfml/issues/34) to vscode-cfml. Since the issue my proposal addresses is engine-specific, it is rather an im…
---- from @denuno
That would be a pretty interesting thing to have in CFLint itself, actually, along with a mode where you could enable auto-fixing (or maybe auto-ignoring)... e.g. instead of just…
The option to use comments to ignore lines/specific rules doesn't seem to be working when running from the command line.
I'm running against the following code:
var testa …
This is for any suggestions and discussion regarding new and/or breaking changes for CFLint's configuration in v2.0. Most of this is copied from Issue #352. All of my suggestions were taken from other…
Hi, I just installed CFLint. And immediately ran into some issues.
VAR_IS_TEMPORARY is happening a lot, but it doesn't say what would be a better variable name, even when the variables aren't temp…
I have removed semicolons in a component body, function body, and within `` tags in a tag file and none of them are reporting MISSING_SEMI. I do not have that rule excluded in my `.cflintrc`. The only…