Reading how [`ContinuousDS(prob::ODEProblem)` w/o Jacobian](https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/DynamicalSystemsBase.jl/blob/6a2698981f621b28ba4be0fe4aa4fa08e669ceb5/src/continuous.jl#L110):
Just trying to run the nlts example for continuous time. The command:
using DynamicalSystems, PyPlot
ds = Systems.lorenz() # Max lyapunov is around 0.90
dt = 0.05
x = timeseries(ds, 1000.0; dt…
For the moment, I would suggest to concentrate on using Automatic Differentiation, rather than hand-coded Jacobians or symbolic.
Do you have examples where you have checked that hand-coded Jacobia…