How I can to show mention list when click on @items. [Like this](https://jsfiddle.net/ourcodeworld/83vLzhw2/3/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=83vLzhw2)
HI. Input [triggerChar] don't support string like this: '{{'. Any idea or workaround? Thnx.
We have the basic functionality of Comment Capture feature. We need to improve it with further sub-features and with UI enhancements. In this task, we need to look into how our competitors are doing t…
We had a detailed discussion on create broadcast UI for UX. This is investigative and discussion task first to know how we can further improve the UX in create broadcast screen. We had started looking…
In comment capture, post showing comments count as 0 when post has 2 comments.
![screenshot from 2019-01-31 15-07-33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46882812/52060348-d2471100-258d-11e9-…
i have an issue getting user infos after i changed my facebook password ;
i tried creating new app, new token, new all...but still same issue :(
-------------------------- Error in chat-platform.j…
The task includes investigating features that will help news publishers engage with their audience on messenger.
Look for how the bots for following organization are interacting with their audience:
Idealizar uma arquitetura para que haja uma interface de comunicação entre bots com escopos diferentes, para melhor a experiência do usuário.
- [x] Estudar o _policy_
- [ ] ~Criar _…
See message card examples at
- [Обзор Marka. Возможно, именно та самая альтернатива Controller bot для](https://blog.themarfa.name/obzor-marka-vozmozhno-imienno-ta-samaia-altiernativa-controller-b…
ghost updated
5 years ago