✔️ **To complete this challenge:** Write and test your code in the provided REPL.it links below (remember to click **Save** to save your work!), and copy the links to your solutions and paste them int…
When a tomb is designated based on a `buildingplan` blueprint and the corpse is buried before the coffin is built, the corpse ends up sitting "outside" the coffin instead of inside it:
ab9rf updated
8 months ago
Just a scare.
Ahh I was very scared because I started really very slowly, the comfyui, to the point that the visualization of images was disgust, it was unincoronized, etc.
I didn't know if it was a…
### For?
### What can't you do?
I can't decide what order GameObjectSystem's load in
### How would you like it to work?
Add an attribute or something for GameObjectSystem priority and load …
The Modula-3 FOR statement is defined such that using it with very large or very small integers can result in unexpected overflow errors, which could terminate the program. This makes the FOR loop unn…
# Money is tokenized trust
Money is the most common collective hallucination in the modern world. Its primary function is to increase social cooperation and lower entropy, by streamlining interacti…
I wanted to put my badgy in a nice 3d printed casing. Does anyone have a fitting 3d model?
I have a question about using jsop api to select the target element.
Here is the HTML.
In this issue we'll have a look at the the patient data and how to parse it.
Some, more active, participants can be appointed as bag wardens along the Loop.
These wardens will have a flag icon in the address list(app)
Wardens, for now don't have extra authentication powers i…
lil5 updated
2 months ago