I'm running https://pixelfur.maw.best/ which is a pixelfed instance specifically for furry artists. I know of at least 2 more artist centric pixelfed instances. I want to attract artists. So I have th…
This is new, perhaps bluesky has changed something ?
with this error the crossposter stopped working
logs from inside the docker container :
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/l…
Instead of just `🐘mle@derpy.email 🐘rf@mastodonsocial.ru` it adds `🐘profile@ministry.m…
To keep the public timeline tidy, it can be a good practice to have the start of a thread with confidentiality=public and all follow up own replies with confidentiality=unlisted.
However, cr…
## What - 提供したい体験
## How - 実装の方針(Optional)
ActivityPubとは違い基本的にはCrossposterみたいな感じで「特定のStreamsに投稿したものをAT Protocolベースの方にも投稿する」という流れになるかも。
I've introduced a friend of mine to the crossposter, and she's gotten a lot of use out of it, since she uses Twitter much more that Mastodon but still wants to keep up with people on the latter platfo…
Dear all,
the crossposter stopped crossposting (at least from Twitter to Mastodon) and did not recover automatically until the problem was manually identified and the button "retry all" was activat…
After my first attempt to deploy the Crossposter was not very successful, I took some two hours and started over, writing myself some a documentation in case I need to redo the setup somewhere later.
Gargron [said](https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/7016#issuecomment-378093916):
>A lot of new people are using these Twitter to Mastodon cross-posters. But do we really want to en…
The Mastodon Twitter crossposter crossposts custom emojis (like :example:) to Twitter. Custom emojis don't show up on Twitter and as a result, they should not be crossposted.