u, eig, _ = sigma.svd()这一句报出
RuntimeError: svd_cuda: the updating process of SBDSDC did not converge (error:…
(CVPR19) (base) marco@pc:~/antiFaceSpoofing/CVPR19-Face-Anti-spoofing-master$
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train_Fusion_CyclicLR.py --model=model_A
thanks for your great work.
For the MOT challenge CVPR2019 your tracktor also gets nice result. Could you please also share the weight of detection and reid network of the TracktorCV?
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'data_helper'
Hi @Shimingyi ,
I have a question about the comparison of bone length estimation as show in Fig. 9.
I suppose you use the **GT** scale to rescale the estimated bone lengths. However, if I understa…
Thanks your project, but when I use 291 dataset to train, I get error:
===> Training Epoch: [1/1000]... Learning Rate: 0.000100
Epoch: [1/1000]: 0%| …
Hi, thanks for your great work. I was wondering when will you release the code for video captioning, or at least the features so that I can use MART code to generate captions. Looking forward it!
@david2611, sorry to bother you. First of all, thank you for the great work on the PDQ metric! As your Youtube presentation showed, this metric is very applicable to probabilistic deep learning algori…
I download the model(named iou_resnet50_csv_06.h5) on the page and use it to predict, b…