Hello, I've been looking into the ADC Apple Studio Display, model M7768. This is Apple's last CRT, and it uses ADC as it's connector. It's possible to split it back into VGA + USB + Power (+LED +Soft …
Couldn't connect over a network (private) with a source name format like "SURFACEBOOK2(Kodelife[Output])", and got an error.
LogMaterial: Display: Missing cached shadermap for Material_3 in PCD3D_…
I've uploaded the [`e2e_example/.../asset_graph.json`][json] (formatted).
It is about 1.5mb, for what basically is a "Hello World" with DDC. I'm not sure what a typical angular project or something…
I'm facing this issue when execute `flutter run -d chrome`
-------------------- %< --------------------
dartdevc -k arguments:
I added the below lines to my pubspec.yaml and imported the package.
googleapis: 0.54.0
googleapis_auth: 0.2.10
[WARNING]build_web_compilers:ddc_modules on lib/.ddc.meta_module.raw: Unable to r…
DuEyE updated
4 years ago
C:\Users\Doug\Downloads>ddc_test_tool.exe list
ddc_test_tool v1.0
3 monitors found:
Monitor 1: Model PA248 Current source: 768 Valid sources according to capability string:
my desktop PC is connected via VGA to a Samsung C27F396. I'm able to retrieve and set all the VPC features through DDC using other tools like "ControlMyMonitor". For example, I can switch the …
Starting the app yields following output. My monitors are a **Dell S2721DS** (_Monitor 1_, DDC/CI on from monitor menu) and **MSI MAG274QRF** (_Monitor 2_, no DDC/CI setting in menu but works).
I want to add the screenshots link in README.
If you have good screenshots for ddc.vim, can you add it in this issue?
## 各リポジトリの関係性
- coc-patched.nvim
- coc.nvim を置き換える用。coc-patching.nvim を submodule として持つ
- ビルド系に関する変更を、本体への変更と切り分けたかったのでこの構成
- coc-patching.nvim
- coc.nvim での直接の作業
- ddc-coc-patched
- …