GPU:4*RTX 4090 24G
from FlagEmbedding import BGEM3FlagModel
model = BGEM3FlagModel('BAAI/bge-m3', use_fp16=True)
sentences_1 = ["What is BGE M3?", "Defination of BM25"]
When trying to load the pretrained ESIM model for sentence retrieval I get the following error:
Exception has occurred: NotFoundError
Key encode_rnn/birnn/bidirectional_rnn/fw/basic_lstm_cell…
The authors of the "Open Domain Question Answering over Tables via Dense Retrieval" papers released the weights for TAPAS retriever trained on NQ here: https://github.com/google-research/tapas/blob/ma…
Hi,I have a running question to consult you.When I do the command" python3 run.py --dataset cmu --mode sparse_to_dense",there is an error to arise.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.p…
I have recently switched to Pyterrier and have been pleased with the dense retrieval plug-ins. Thank you very much for creating the wonderful framework.
I have been going through the pain of…
Today one need to define the tensor input dimensions (e.g https://github.com/vespa-engine/sample-apps/blob/master/dense-passage-retrieval-with-ann/src/main/application/schemas/query.sd#L31) it would b…
I want to evaluate ColBERT on BEIR but I couldn't find any example related to it.
You mentioned in the paper that it involves dense retrieval and re-ranking with ColBERT. Could you please …
Hi, Thanks for a great paper!
However, I haven't found the code for the paper of "A Personalized Dense Retrieval Framework for
Unified Information Access", I see only a preprocessing folder.
Hello, are there any statistics regarding the inference time for the experiments in the 'Open Domain Question Answering over Tales via Dense Retrieval'?