SwiftOCR Camera project's ViewController.swift
should update to this
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async(execute: {
/home/user/Project/.build/checkouts/Hydra.git-8391472609009747209/Sources/Hydra/Promise+Await.swift:99:20: error: binary operator '!=' cannot be applied to two 'DispatchQueue' operands
the call
`APIService().response(from: SearchRepositoryRequest())`
` action.future
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
Hello! I'm using your project, and It works wonderful!
But I want to compress video in background mode.
How can I write code for this work?
I tried to cover compressVideo function using Disp…
I want a transparent MAAdView background (or white, or dynamic color), but it contains ALAdView subview which background is set to black once Ad is loaded.
Even if I set it to nil, it's anyway will…
Great work, thanks for making it available! This thing is sweet.
One minor feature request. It would be nice to get a callback after the `if hide` timer, since I typically have to take some action …
let QUEUE = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.background)
MQTTSessionManager(persistence: false, maxWindowSize: 16, maxMessages: 1024, maxSize: 64, maxConnectionRetryInterval: 60.0, co…
### Environment
* Xcode version: 12
* Firebase SDK version: 7.10.0
* Installation method: SPM
* Firebase Component: Firestore
### Problem
I need to make a call to Firestore and wai…
在Demo 中二级页面下拉过程中返回到首页会 crash,
其中一处crash 断点在 `ESRefreshComponent.swift` 中,
open override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
super.willMove(toSuperview: newSuper…
| | |
|Previous ID | SR-5456 |
|Radar | rdar://problem/33398579 |
|Original Repor…