Tracking updates of www.redditgifts.com
### Discussed in https://github.com/TareqMonwer/Django-School-Management/discussions/163
Originally posted by **Kushaldotel** December 26, 2023
PS E:\School-Management\B> git clone https://git…
Over the past several months, the .NET team has evaluated ways to evolve the .NET tooling ecosystem and incorporate more capabilities into VS Code. Currently, the C# experience in VS Code is powered b…
## AsIs
Currently Resume page contents would be fetched from bare JSON file via backend API.
This might be degraded with actual/current information in LinkedIn profile.
## Justifications
As thes…
## Как помочь с переводом
1. Проверьте в чеклисте или в комментариях ниже, что никто другой не взял страницу
2. Отпишитесь, какую страницу вы хотите перевести (не более одну за один раз)
Рядом …
# Issue
WSL 2 seems to NAT it's virtual network, instead of making it bridged to the host NIC. My goal is for a service running in Ubuntu in WSL 2 to be accessible from anywhere on my local network.
Please post here if you would like to gain membership to the ethereumproject organization which manages the Ethereum Classic development (ETC). Please introduce yourself, tell us your skillset and how…
Following a fresh `git clone` and the wiki's dev instructions. Ran into an error making dev data.
docker exec -it cl-django python /opt/courtlistener/manage.py make_dev_data
When DataCite's schema 4.5 is public, we need to upgrade EZID to support DOIs registered with this version of the schema. Ideally this will be done as soon as possible following the public release of …
paste your GPTs links below👇