**Describe what happened:**
Service ports do not change for datadog-agent if changed default HostPort for dogstatsd
`datadog-agent ClusterIP 8126/…
[The metric serialization logic](https://github.com/DataDog/datadogpy/blob/977731754d47fd51d3402c13e7b384f638e7aa6e/datadog/dogstatsd/base.py#L762-L772) replaces special characters used in the dogstat…
I recently added the liveness probe to the datadog helm chart - https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/pull/4536. However, it seems the image for dogstatsd does not contain this script. I'm using `datad…
After switching to v5, some of our charts in NewRelic stopped reporting because one of the tags we use to report a "true" or "false" value started having other erroneous data concatenated. This _could…
The current datadog plugin uses the HTTPS module to submit metrics over HTTPS to the datadog metrics api endpoint.
Datadog supports use of a local Agent, which serves as a StatsD server, accepting pa…
* **Version**: any
* **Platform**: server and agent
* **Subsystem**: any
There're a lot of metrics with type `summary` in spire. These metric type calculates requests count, sum of all latenc…
I'm using the Datadog plugin on Jenkins with the Datadog Agent and [a Unix socket configuration](https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/unix_socket?tab=kubernetes#setup).
This is working fi…
Our nodejs app that uses datadog does mostly dns lookup and I believe its from the statsd client that does a dns lookup for every UDP packet.
Please do not do a DNS lookup on an ip address for ever…
Docs says the statsd lib is `node-dogstatsd` but I couldn't find the options I was looking for so I had a look in the code https://github.com/DataDog/node-connect-datadog/blob/master/lib/index.js#L4 a…
If your values.yaml config is: