I'm running filebeat on the Harvester Kubernetes cluster:
helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co
helm repo update
helm install filebeat elastic/filebeat -n elk-stack -f logs/beats-values.ya…
add ELK stack for centralized log monitoring:
- redundant elastic search
- redundant kibana
## Overview
* **Short Description**: Create a tutorial that demonstrates how Algorand node runners can connect and use [ELK stack](https://www.elastic.co/what-is/elk-stack) to monitor their nodes.
Evaluate sending quality scores to the ElasticSearch Logstash Kibana (ELK) system used by the Making Data Count project. This would replace the current Solr index used by metadig-engine.
Changes to…
### What happened?
I believe I have encountered a bug while working with Pulumi's AWS-native provider, specifically in the `@pulumi/aws-native/servicecatalogappregistry` module.
## The bug
The bug…
Tool/Software | Version | Status
-- | -- | --
Java (JDK) | JDK 17+ | **DONE**
Eclipse IDE | 2024-06 | **DONE**
Maven | 3.9.9 | **DONE**
Docker | 27.1.1 | **DONE**
Docker Compose | 2.29.1 | **DONE**