Apart from the title,
Thanks for this!! I was wondering why aren't more people making this happen, using PHP 7.4 typed properties is an absolutely fantastic idea!!
Would it be as easy as writing…
evnix updated
5 years ago
# Descrição da vaga
A 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐤 está em busca de Developer PHP Freelancer para se juntar à nossa equipe.
Precisamos de devs freelas para resolver gargalos.
Projetos pequenos em PHP com Framew…
The Model should provide a new convenience method, `findOrCreate` that can be given a set of criteria to locate within the db table, or create a new record using that data and an additional set of dat…
One of the most useful features in other ORM / ODM's is the "orFail" type methods (e.g. [eloquent](https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent#retrieving-single-models)). At the moment if you use either `fi…
### Describe the bug
AFAIK, Eloquent will cast attributes to the column type as defined in the table. When adding a custom model with say, an integer column, the attribute type when accessing it li…
1. `json` type not defined in `Database::datatype()` + I think method must return `['type' => 'string']` for undefined types.
2. `set`/ `json` values not normalized - cant set as array, they gets as …
- [x] JsonDB - default database
- [x] https://github.com/thinkholic/backdrop-js/issues/11
- [ ] https://github.com/thinkholic/backdrop-js/issues/12
- [ ] SQLLite
I've installed this in a plugin but when I try to use `{{ $users = $db->table('users')->get() }}` I am just getting `Undefined variable: db`
ghost updated
7 years ago
Now that's a tricky one, do we really have to reimplement TypeORM in Deno?