Options considered so far:
* Famfamfam's silk icon set: Very few emoticons
* MSN Messenger: Risky, could cause copyright issues, ~47 emoticons for MSN 4 and 5, MSN 6 and up has blended white bac…
Hi, thanks so much for this! Its super cool to have fabric-like functionality directly in Obsidian!
I was curious if you had considered adding context file functionality?
This would allow for grea…
Please comment suggestions for new emoticons on this issue.
Everytime you load a page with the SCEditor, it creates ~31 server-requests for the emoticons. On the most pages with the editor you don't use the editor and if you do, you mostly don't open the smile…
Не работают смайлики в freedcpp svn 46.
Записал в /usr/share/freedcpp/emoticons файл Kolobok.xml и
каталог со
смайликами Images/kolobok.
Но после выбора этого набора смайликов в
меню, Kolobok не…
It would be great if we can insert emoticons and upload photos into the post like on twitter.
Hi, great job by the way, the only problem I have with this is that I have too many emoticons on my forum so when I click on the smilies button, it extends on REALLY long. This causes some problems fo…
Bhbg updated
11 years ago
### Recommendations for the task completion process
- Create a separate branch to work on your task
- When naming commits, specify the issue id to which it belongs: `Added some files (#1)`
- When…
# Skype
- https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12330/what-is-the-full-list-of-emoticons
- https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Keyboard-shortcuts-for-emoticons-C1F07009-BBC4-4FBA-87D7-564C01647B43…
# Facebook Messenger
- http://slangit.com/emoticons/shortcuts/facebook
- http://www.emoticonr.com/emoticons/facebook
- http://www.jamfoo.com/fb-emoticons/
| Code | Emoj…