Best description of the work remained
> __If the fee file is corrupt at boot - die immediately. If the file is changed on run time and it's corrupt, continue working but alarm.__
0x234 updated
5 years ago
Jose Valim's post about behaviours will be helpful - http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2015/10/mocks-and-explicit-contracts/
Thanks to @pdobacz for the output dump. Some of these `Undefined` should be detectable. Also there're a lot of duplicates that can be removed.
abi 0.1.12 -> MIT
binary 0.0.4 …
- [Yes] I've asked for help in the [Truffle Gitter](http://gitter.im/Consensys/truffle) before filing this issue.
## Issue
I have some problem with truffle 5.
az-ms updated
5 years ago
Hello, is there a way I can watch for new blocks? Similar to the Javascript web3 API:
const filter = web3.eth.filter('latest');
filter.watch((e,r) => {
console.log('got new block = ', r);
I was trying to use the `eth_estimate_gas` function, but it looks like it has not been tested and all calls to it were failing.
Here's the error:
`{:error, %{"code" => -32602, "message" =…
It makes more sense to configure RPC client using parameters (not in config)
Otherwise it's impossible to use it as real RPC client.
For example right now it's not possible to connect to 2 differ…
Currently we make contract calls by encoding ABI manually.
abi_encoded_data = ABI.encode("transferFrom(address,address,uint)",[from_address, to_address, token_id])
contract_address = "0x12…
watcher-0 watcher 2019-02-27 03:43:25,762 INFO :Starting Launcher
watcher-0 watcher 2019-02-27 03:43:25,769 INFO :Service type to launch is Elixir Watcher
watcher-0 watcher 2019-02-27 03:…
0x234 updated
5 years ago
It would be great if there was a generic client protocol that could be implemented by specific providers, like http, websocket, and ipc. It seems that a lot of the code for this to happen already exis…