python 3.6.7
pytorch 1.1
torchvision 0.3
mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root='~/Datasets/FashionMNIST', train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor())
0it …
`import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import disable_eager_execution
from tensorflow.python.compiler.mlcompute i…
It would be good to incorporate this data set, which has the same format as MNIST, and so should be easy to work with: https://github.com/zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist/blob/master/README.md
# Basics of TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST
![clothes dataset images](https://github.com/HaggunDaizu/TensorFlow-Course/raw/master/img/clothes.png)
*Figure 1 [Fashion-MNIST](https://github.com/…
# Basics of TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST
![clothes dataset images](https://github.com/dipu33845/TensorFlow-Course/raw/master/img/clothes.png)
*Figure 1 [Fashion-MNIST](https://github.com/za…
# Basics of TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST
![clothes dataset images](https://github.com/kyle-mathews/TensorFlow-Course/raw/master/img/clothes.png)
*Figure 1 [Fashion-MNIST](https://github.com…
# Basics of TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST
![clothes dataset images](https://github.com/TSThe-Stoic/TensorFlow-Course/raw/master/img/clothes.png)
*Figure 1 [Fashion-MNIST](https://github.com/…
# Basics of TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST
![clothes dataset images](https://github.com/dream-codee/TensorFlow-Course/raw/master/img/clothes.png)
*Figure 1 [Fashion-MNIST](https://github.com/…
## Datasets
* [X] mnist
* [ ] fashion mnist
* [ ] cifar10
* [ ] cifar100
* [ ] tiny imagenet
* [ ] imagenet (ILSVRC)
* [ ] MPII/[COCO](http://cocodataset.org) (#55)
* [ ] pascal VOC (#54)
* …