I used the static analysis tool "Find Bugs" for IntelliJ on the xmage project. Please find attached the generated report …
After upgrading to IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 findbugs plugin crashes the IDE.
disabling it mitigates the problem.
Title as pasted from IDE: com.intellij.diagnostic.IdeaReportingEvent$TextBasedThrowabl…
Is there a way to use a wildcard when specifying exclude files with `` for the spotbugs maven plug-in?
When I was using the findbugs ant task, I could select exclude filter files with the following…
Currently we have this line in the `pom.xml` for the Qulice plugin:
We should not exclude Findbugs analysis from the build per default.
Removing t…
Following error was thrown during my analysis:
missing bug code for keySECXXEVAL
I think short bug code is missing in messages.xml
XML validation vulnerable to XXE
This is a feature request to enable automatic compilation of the source code
when FindBugs analysis is executed in FindBugs-IDEA. It may be a configuration
option, but IMO it makes sense to enab…
1. Check umple-generated code with findbugs (on command line and in Ecliipse)
to see if we are generating anything that would be considered a problem. Then
fix generation so the problems are gon…
When I try to analyze a class file with findbugs GUI tool and MutabilityDetector4FindBugs plugin, findbugs popups a dialog box which describes an exception occurred as follows:
Exception analyz…
Project Name: static_code_analysis
Description: A flutter example app to setup static code analysis plugins such as CheckStyle, Sonar, Findbugs, etc
## What happened?
Someone had upgraded a very old repo to latest baseline (0.59.0) and ran `./gradlew baselineUpdateConfig` successfully, but was still getting strange formatting results in Intelli…