I was able to successfully publish a scoped module. But after I made some changes to the module, including incrementing the package version, I was unable to publish the update (I was logged in as the …
I'm having trouble grabbing data from the FlightStats API using the callback method. Here's my code:
var FlightStatsAPI = require( 'flightstats' )
var api = new FlightStatsAPI({
Occasional 404's. Can later bring up data manually. Crozier's app does not yet have retry - so we don't yet know if/how long the 404's persist.
[2:56 PM] Crozier, M.: I think that we are seeing in…
This will allow up to 5TB hub items.
Start with a simple daily period when an alert should not be sent.
If there is already a feature for either of these, just let me know.
On the mkt-hub.iad.prod.flightstats.io, all hub URLs returned in response bodies have the http:// URI scheme, as expected. Does …
This is a low priority request. I set the maxItems to 1000, where I should have set it to 100. Can you lower this for me?
We need to find the first hub item that was before a point in time. We can use the time interface to get that time (probably to the second), get the first item, and do a previous on that.
**App Name:** FlightStats
**Bundle ID:** com.flightstats.FlightStats
**iTunes ID:** 572700574
**iTunes URL:** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flightstats/id572700574?mt=8&uo=4
**App Version:** 2.6
When clicked it takes user to https://console.ng.bluemix.net/catalog/. There is no such service, update to the relevant service or remove it.