**Flutter Version**
My version : 2.5.3
**Lib Version**
My version : 3.0.3+6
**Platform (Android / iOS / web) + version**
Platform : Android - Pixel 3 (emulator) API 31, iPhone 13 (emula…
Unit defined in android.app.Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
e: /home/dreamer/Music/mine/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/custom_image_picker-0.5.0/android/src/main/kotlin/com/tahamal…
I don't know how to put things in a comprehensive way so please try to understand and ignore some mistake 😊
**Which API doesn't behave as documented, and how does it misbehave?**
When using API `Aud…
leG09 updated
3 months ago
**Which API doesn't behave as documented, and how does it misbehave?**
The main example have the problem [Example](https://pub.dev/packages/audio_service/example)
**Minimal reproduction project*…
Weird enough, for all audio files I get the same album cover
- [X] ``android/app/build.gradle`` ✅ Commit a0160e5
I want to run finamp in browse, but run `flutter build web` got error: "Missing index.html", how to fix it?
I'd love to substitute the now dying Google Music with mStream. I've already experimented with the server and it looks great, but IMO the android app is a bit "lacking". The feature that would make it…