Hello, i have issue in installation replicas for IPA:
FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to xxxxxx closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "\u001b[?1034hTraceback (most recent c…
Something I've often seen teams neglect but is important for long-term maintenance and ease of collaboration is standardizing on coding and style standards, like https://google.github.io/styleguide/sh…
I have tried to install freeipa several times on rhel8.5, both with the roles coming from ansible-freeipa-0.3.8-1.el8.noarch or upstram collections version 1.5.3. I can not get it to work.
My varia…
Hi Team,
I've been trying to set up letsencrypt with your FreeIPA but its getting failed when I run ipa-certupdate
Can you update your FreeIPA project with letsencrypt like --setup-ca with lets…
Joining to ``DEMO1.FREEIPA.ORG `` provided by Redhat fails with CentOS6 image even when ca-certificates and PyOpenSSL packages are installed and updated.
Here is the error when joining the domain
The upstream nightly tests using runAdTests are failing in the step configuring cygwin ssh, in the playbook ansible/roles/windows/sshd/tasks /main.yml.
Example of failure: in [testing_ipa-4.10_late…
I was able to deploy the cdp private without any credentials, only cdp license has been used.
I am trying to teardown our deployed cluster via tags ```-t teardown,all``` . however it fails with this …
**Host system details**
`rpm-ostree status`:
```State: idle
Version: 33.20201116.0 (2020-11-16T00:41:59Z)
Seleção de hosts com padrões de hostExercício orientado: Seleção de hosts com padrões de hostGerenciamento de inventários dinâmicosExercício orientado: Gerenciamento de inventários dinâmicosConfigur…
Currently the ipaclient role sets the kerberos libdefaults in /etc/krb5.conf as:
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
and the realms section specifies the kdc/master_kdc/admin_server/d…