grig cannot control LNA or mixer gain due to empty dropdowns for ATT and PREAMP w/ FUNCube Dongle ProPlus (funcube.c)
Caused by funcubeplus_caps having no attenuator and preamp fields defined.
Feature request: Add IQ (in-phase / quadrature) token to modes list, unless DSB is considered the same as IQ in this case? Not 100% what is meant with DSB in the manpage....
Quite a few SDR-orient…
[2021-03-27 16:26:56.535072][00:00:26.717727][RIGCTRL:trace] set_cache_freq: vfo=currVFO, current_vfo=VFOA
[2021-03-27 16:26:56.535072][00:00:26.717740][RIGCTRL:trace] set_cache_freq: set vfo=VFOA t…
It seems that Airspy Mini does crash GNU radio on Windows 10 while AIRPSY says that it should work with GNU Radio. RTLSDR no problem, Airspy Mini Problem.
I'm trying to compile your fork but i'm getting blocked at MPIR and gnuradio-fcd modules check :
`root@radio:/home/watchix/gr-osmosdr_hackrftcp/build# rm CMakeCache.txt`
## Summary
* Building the latest `master` (commit 2d2b7ac348293894cce4c79d82518c7d887ad971) fails
* Building against a478e92832a595519d1acca78580789a6c77d972 (tag 2.0.0) works
## Abridged Build…
Do you plan to add SoapySDR support ?
It would bring access to more sdr devices, like funcube dongle, sdrplay, etc.
Mark or Alan was having good luck using "find signal" rather than "FoxTelem Calculates Doppler" so I tried that. The problem is that auto band and mode switching does not work in this configuration. …
Qthid and Audacity were the hints...but helas, until now I haven't been able to let SDRangel (4 and 5) recognize my adapter.
Can anyone please?
First thanks for your efficient and good SDR-program. I use it with LimeSDR mini and USB3, and I want to use it on a Linux Mint laptop (ubuntu 18.04), where SoapySDR are installed in User Space (/home…