Non-orographic gravity wave tendency should not be called every timestep, it should be a callback instead.
We should also provide the `u_forcing` and `v_forcing` quantities as diagnostics
i.e. satisfies('GFDL-1.1-invariants-or-later', 'MIT OR GPL-1.0') crashes. I've checked both arguments against [spdx-expression-validate](https://github.com/jslicense/spdx-expression-validate.js) and b…
Our current CAM/FV3 port - ESCOMP/FV3_CESM is forked from NOAA-EMC/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere which is itself a fork of the official GFDL FV3 source repository NOAA-GFDL/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere. I found…
For quite a few fixes we use a pattern of
metadata = cube.metadata
cube.metadata = metadata
This was done to preserve metadata, but doesn't work like this anymore.
**Describe the bug**
Since fre uses `shell=True` when running subprocesses, you can pass in arbitrary shell commands to fre, which is a security risk
In UFS_UTILS we have sorc/fre-nctools.fd which contains three tools:
- fregrid
- make_hgrid
- make_solo_mosaic
GFDL programmers originated these tools, and these files are snapshots that were …
When doing a remote run using ED2 with a GFDL met source, the workflow succesfully executes :
remotefunc remoteout
I am trying to use the cdutil.averager function on cmip5 datasets.
Out of 43 models tested, 6 (BBC and GFDL models) return the same error when averaging oceanic variables (like 'tos')
I am usin…
Physics parametrization for Moist processes (convection, large-scale condensation, precipitation and cloud parameters).
Main codes have been broken down in subtasks and G002.5 covers all the in-betwe…
Needed for MOM ocean and FV3 ATM
(Moved from https://github.com/ESMCI/cime/issues/2349)