Implement a single page when user clicks the gif.
does giphy work?
First of all, thanks for great extension. I really like this plugin.
I would like to see this plugin supports with gipsy.com. There is a [api](https://github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI). It seems the develop…
### What can it be used for?
Share giphy account on a website
### Example image (optional)
### Reproduction link
[![Edit on CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/j5tlcj?file=%2Fvite.config.ts)
### Steps to reproduce
If I type: `giphy test`, how can I get another image because the one given doesn't fit.
Per some digestion of the ToS in https://github.com/sarahjschultz/kittengif/issues/5 it seems generally like a good idea to link to the original content -- that way we just are a "portal" to Giphy as …
Hey there, I‘m missing the „powered by giphy“ label above the search results - can you give me a hint how to get it to show up? It‘s needed for the app verification by giphy.
Thanks a lot for your wo…