first of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Could you please tell how to create a map hexagonal grid of a country? You use France, but how did you get it?
Thank you very much.
https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/distribution/v2/countries/distribution/AL-region-01m-4326-2016.geojson not reachable.
Please download manually. If you think this is a bug please consi…
Since Friday getting nuts2 geodata does not work for me, everytime i try run
GISCO services were unavailable earlier today. Running in v4-dev branch of eurostat package, I got the following message:
> sf
See: https://github.com/d3/d3-scale-chromatic/blob/master/README.md#diverging
The default value of central value should be 0. Other possibilities should be average, mean or user defined.
I found a problem with `guide_colorsteps` after installing the last ggplot2 version.
I'm not sure why, but the order of classes is not correct. Some of the extreme classes are showing up in the mi…
It seems that some geojson are not reachables, but it can be opened in a browser.
When I try to run this code:
Is it possible to generate an unbalanced diverging colour scheme?
For example: say I have a diverging scheme with 6 classes but instead of it diverging at the middle (between classes 3 and 4) I wan…
We are using Vega-lite to draw a global map, we have used the topo-json provided by Vega.
sample URL
when we compared Moro…