Alongside the addition of Java and a JVM container, this lang should be straightforward.
Hi all, I wanted to share with you some of the changes that are coming for beta-5 of MVC and some of the rationale about why we're changing `[Activate]`
## What's changing
We're removing `[Activate]`…
As I like Forth to be fun too, apart from its practical aspects, I've been enjoying Forth written in lesser likely languages, from scripting languages to editor macros to mobile device "automation" ap…
This is a pickup of #6579. With the addition of #40336, a large number of those use cases have been addressed, but possibly some still remain.
**Update 2023-04-11**: Reviewed use cases and [posted …
Inspired by [this tweet](https://twitter.com/DasSurma/status/1109219867322920960) from @surma:
> @MattiasBuelens Is it possible to offer up the polyfills for Readable, Writable and Transform individu…
I think this will be a great way to make sure we feel good about our GitHub accounts.
Please respond to this issue by introducing yourself, or if you like you can respond with an emoji.
Hi y'all, I thought that a good way to get to know each other and to welcome new members is to have an issue for introductions. When adding new members in future I feel we should point them here 😄
@kenshohara, @skamdar, @skrish13, @husencd, @hirokatsukataoka16, @WakamiyaTenga, @satoyutaka
Thanks a lot for your great work!
It seems that the output class labels order of the pre-trained models (…
Dear Bruno,
my congratulations for squeezing a RV32I core into the Icestick !
I read your Verilog files with joy and I wish to share an idea on how to save a few more LUTs for more peripherals: …
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Rainbow Fluffysheep
For Randomness!
The Longest Text Ever!
I am going to do it. I have mad…