Inspiration from - https://atom.io/packages/linter-google-styleguide
# [SCB-0003]: Implement Code Styling Solution for ScribbleCareBear
**Author:** NH [@N3v1]
**Proposal:** SCB-0003 #3
**Status:** In planning
### Overview
Currently, the ScribbleCareBear proj…
Possible to style google maps using custom JSON files from a source like snazzymaps.com.
Further to this, would it be possible to upload a custom map marker.
@abdulhafeez @yuriyua
Can you add this JSON to the app and desktop version to adjust the google maps style... I just cleaned it up a little bit (changed colors slightly, removed google points of i…
On [Define Guard](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#The__define_Guard), the definition:
> The format of the symbol name should be ___H_.
However, if I have the follow structure:
**GitHub** https://github.com/bnomei/kirby-styledmap
**Details** https://bnomei.onfastspring.com/kirby-styledmap
> Kirby CMS Tag and Page Method to print a regular or styled google map.
在這個討論串看到 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11839332
Google C++ coding style guide
After the agreement in https://github.com/inspirehep/inspire-next/issues/609 google-style syntax should be implemented.
- [x] A query like `foo bar baz` should match all the documents that have at lea…