if `HASTIC_WEBHOOK_URL: null`, than you can' send any weebhok, right? I think we should show a warning in this case.
Also we can try to send a test webhook every second to check that it works and …
Imagine log which looks like this:
[ANALYTICS] something
[ANALYTICS] something more
[SERVER] oh oh
[SERVER] more logs
[ANALYTICS] learning
The website hastic.io is not accessible from Germany.
When you open panel editor and have no datasource in metrics - you got "Datasource not found" error
Currently, only `Admin` type user can use hastic-panel
Because we use API methods which are available only for admins (getting datasource by name etc.)
We should research whether it is possible not …
Sometimes you do an action which should lead to showing icon "learning", but it's hidden.
* create an analytic unit
* label something
* save labeling
no icon "learning" appears (sometimes)…
Received this error when try to save pattern drop label. I have positive and negative label when using count agg in Elasticsearch data source.
I'm able to save it when using average instead.
* create 3 analytic unit
* hide few analytics units
* turn off edit mode
* move grap…
Should we move analytics there and link to it? Should we not? Other discussion?