Hi @MindrustUK I installed the Version_1.5 branch (replacing a very recent dev branch) and I see that the new switch you had added in the dev branch to set the hold is now gone. I understand why its g…
The hold_on service expects the temperature to be an integer, but heatmiser allows increments of 0.5 degrees. I updated climate.py and services.yaml to allow float rather than int and used the HA Deve…
I have 4 NeoStats and 3 NeoAirs. One of my NeoAirs shows in the integration as being fan only mode. I've run the configure option a number of times for this - and selected Heat - but it always seems…
I noticed recently that my script in Home Assistant could not set target temperature for the thermostats.
Looking at the logs, I saw an exception getting raised every time Heatmiser entities are upda…
Not sure if this is a bug or one is simply not meant to be able to add a climate.xxxx entity to a dashboard Statistics Graph. I can't test as I only have Heatmiser climate entities.
None of the Heatm…
I see notification that update to 1.6 is available. Click "install" and then restart once install completes.
But after restart, HA still says that update to 1.6 is available - shows "installed vers…
In your example you set the climate downstairs temperature to 25 but how do you revert it when the price goes above 0? In your current example wouldn't the heating continue indefinitely at 25 unless s…
I've got a neohub v2 (firmware v2211) connected to HA using integration 0.2.4. It's got 4 neoStat V2 connected (one for hot water), a couple of air temperature sensors (that I find very intermittent a…
How do I set up a connection to Telldus Live? In fuTelldus there was a setting on the profile page, but I can't find anything in MSH.
Hi, I recently changed my router and had to change the IP address of the Heatmiser Neo Hub. I deleted the previous entities from the integration, and have rebooted Home Assistant.
When I try to re a…