When you click the 'Create a Case' tab, the case form is displayed with a lot of whitespace underneath it. This holds the hidden 'Account' form. When you click the 'Account' tab, the hidden form becom…
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/104073632999288/117089068923491)
The 'approved' amount must be
I can't figure out who created a particular case.
And as it stands now, the profile has a one-to-one relationship with a case, which doesn't allow multiple cases to be tied to the same donor.
┆Issue …
Add this to the email too
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/104073632999288/138244006201785)
The placeholder text inside this should be:
Cheque no./ UTR no./Cash deposit details
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/104073632999288/119721850579248)
This amount should be
This is so that users may not accidentally re-submit the same details again.
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/104073632999288/106707910212713)
This must be separate from CaseDetail screen.
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task](https://app.asana.com/0/104073632999288/156241684590397)
Apparently donors get confused as to where they should upload their remittance proofs after pledging. Remove the PLEDGE TO THIS CASE button and just display the section the button expands, and title i…