*One Ring to rule them all.*
This task ticket aims at discussing and reorganizing the ways to implement an abstraction of the field of real numbers (resp. complex numbers), as well as its interacti…
I only had a quick look to your code. It looks like you are implementing a specific algorithm for the primal solution of the SVM. In general, the primal solution for SVMs is an instance of, what I wou…
I completed the topic modeling as the tutorial recommend, but only find the topic seems far from proportional.
You see the first topic account for 70+% but the other topics account for very little i…
Currently, the support for discrete directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) is rather poor. There are two options:
- One can construct some simple set of DAGs with `Categorical` and `Mixture` nodes, but the po…
Forked from https://github.com/memtest86plus/memtest86plus/issues/153
In the "address test, own address" the "top" half has all zeros (00000000-b3f99d00), which is partially due to the 64-bit binar…
I've been thinking about the problem Andrey identified with the new TwoFlavor, ThreeFlavor and FourFalvor classes we want to introduce in version 2.0. The issues is with comparing `flavors' across the…
I have run into the problem of constructing risk scores from EWAS summary statistics without having access to the individual samples. Is there an equivalent to LDpred2-auto for methylation d…
The encoder interface is quite trivial, basically just any `[LayerRef] -> LayerRef` function, although the interface also should imply the tensor format {B,T,D} or so.
The idea was to have a generi…
I've found this repo that implements correctly rounded fp operations. Maybe we can port them to esbmc: https://gitlab.inria.fr/core-math/core-math/-/tree/master/
Hi! Great paper! I implemented manifold mixup and also support for interpolated adversarial training (https://github.com/shivamsaboo17/ManifoldMixup) for any custom model defined by user using PyTorch…