In the advanced search of Students we can filter by grade level. This is missing in the Re-enroll student's advanced search and would be really useful when high schools look for say grade 8 students.
This epic covers viewing registered ECTs and mentors via the school-facing service, including:
- Finding registered ECTs and mentors, including search, filter etc
- Viewing ECT and mentor details, inc…
Sophie Voris (teacher at McDowell High School in NC) has set up her students in MyCAERT using Gmails.
However, not all of her students emails are appearing on the "Edit Student" page. (see screenshot…
Review definition for “highest level of education data item” in OMRSE to revise portion about “pre-requisite”, which is not applicable in many countries.
The definition currently reads: "A socio-ec…
I am a high school student, and one day I would like to become a computer programmer. (Or a manager)
I am wondering what kind of language are you using for this amazing application? It looks…
First of all, sorry for the contrived example --- I could not reduce it anymore. The problem is that the third "long" `tblr` in this document is split even if all the page is available.
I can fix …
Description: We need to develop a set of well-targeted questions to ask high school students during interviews. These questions should help us gather meaningful insights about their college applicatio…
our [EDIA strategy](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YCrPOEVjHjd_I5Hq9GYNXyzGmlzxAeBFC-4XN03g_Jg) suggested running an outreach event for students, with the public engagement working group #18
This is for capturing needs not currently supported by the CEDS model. Please do not send or share actual data as examples in this issue or in attachments.
Drew Bennett
I'm using the latest unstable nightly for the NES (2024-10-12) and the new features for FDS are spectacular. The saving works in every game now and adjusting the loading time to match original hardwar…